Ensuring that everyone in the community has access to respectful dignified services and memorialisation.
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Our locations
Macquarie Park, Frenchs Forest, Field of Mars, Gore Hill and Sandgate.
News & Events
Drone use in the cemetery
The following activities are prohibited (As per section 9.5(2) of the 2016) unless the prior written approval of the Administrator is obtained:
- Operating any photographic or video device for commercial purposes
- Flying of drones or similar.
Any person who carries out these activities is committing an offence and will be penalised.
About Northern Cemeteries
Northern Cemeteries is a not-for-profit organisation that consists of five unique cemetery sites, four located on Sydney’s North Shore and Sandgate Cemetery located in Newcastle. Each location has its own distinct personality, catering to diverse communities with individual cultural, traditional and religious needs.
We provide funeral services including burial and cremation to all members of the community. Everyone that uses our services can enjoy the same level of care, quality and respect from our team.
Australia’s First Peoples
Northern Cemeteries acknowledges the unique status of Australia’s First Peoples as the original people of this land. We recognise their cultures, histories and ongoing relationship and obligations to the land and waterways. View the 2020-2025 engagement strategy